As we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the holy day of obligation on Christmas, make sure you meet both Mass requirements. Plan ahead now which Masses you'll attend for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Day.
Open to all students grades 9 - 12 Each evening includes music, Mass, speaker, and Eucharistic Adoration. Suggested Fee: $10.00 per event goes towards pizza and the bus. A separate Permission Slip is required for each event attended.
FALL HARVEST ORCHARD 345 COUNTY ROAD 30 SE MONTROSE, MN 55363 RSVP by Sunday, September 10 to Laura: Open to Faith Formation families and all members of the parishes of Immaculate Conception and St. Boniface
Come and learn about the Marvelous Mystery of the Mass at our Vacation Bible School! Morning Session at Immaculate Conception July 10 - 14; Ages 3 - 12
Join us at St. Boniface on Sunday, June 11th for a Eucharistic Procession around the block. Once we return to the church, we will begin a 54-hour period of Eucharistic Adoration, concluding Tuesday, June 13th at the 6:30pm Mass. Please sign up for an hour to spend with our Lord during this time.
Come to a place where you can hear the voice of the Lord in the quiet and peaceful setting of Lake DeMontreville. Join us for a three-day men’s silent retreat at the DeMontreville Jesuit Retreat House in Lake Elmo. The retreat begins Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening. Learn more here!