Reminder: Starting Sunday, July 21st all Masses will be at St. Boniface. The Mass times will remain the same.
Please note that any unmarked cash donations in the collection at the 7:30am and 9:00am Masses will go to Immaculate Conception. Unmarked cash donations at the 4:00pm Saturday and 11:00am Sunday Masses will go to St. Boniface. Checks, parish envelopes, and any marked donations will go to the parish designated.
Any questions, contact the Parish office at 952-955-1458.
Take off on a Radical Ride around the world with Amazing Angels and Super Saints. Buckle up as you prepare to soar through awesome lessons about prayer and how to put it into action. VBS programs are specially designed to lead kids closer to Jesus while having a blast learning about the treasures of the Catholic faith.
The Triduum is the most solemn moment of the church year. It lasts three days. It begins on Holy Thursday evening with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, continues with the celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, and reaches its culmination with the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, and it ends with Evening Prayer late Easter Sunday afternoon.
SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2024 - Join us for a fun event to help us finish our campaign! The event will be held at Steve Burns' Shed - 3470 County Road 21 Mayer
Join us for a Life in the Spirit Retreat at St. Boniface! The Life in the Spirit retreat is an invitation to make or renew a deep personal commitment to Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is designed to help us grow in holiness - through sound Catholic teaching, hearing the transforming Gospel message, delving deeper into truths of the faith through small group discussion, and dynamic prayer times - all leading us into a deeper intimacy with our God.
As we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the holy day of obligation on Christmas, make sure you meet both Mass requirements. Plan ahead now which Masses you'll attend for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Day.